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Hybrid apprenticeship fair

I had the privilege to represent MCI University of Applied Sciences Innsbruck at the Apprenticeship 4 You training fair on 17 October 2022 in Innsbruck. It was a nice experience as I had the opportunity to demonstrate the process of programming a robotic arm in a user-friendly way to people of different age groups. They actively participated by personally telling the robot the coordinates of the axes.

As can be seen in the pictures and videos below, we set up several marble runs. The robot arms deftly picked up the marbles and threw them into the next section of the marble run. In addition to the marble run, we also simulated a conveyor belt operation (as seen in the YouTube short video). For this, we had various robot arms from well-known manufacturers such as Universal Robots, Kuka and ABB at our disposal.

The advances in technology are truly remarkable. It's amazing to think that not so long ago computers worked with punch cards, and now we have robots, artificial intelligence, VR glasses and so much more. And we're still only scratching the surface of what technology can do. It's fascinating to think about how technology will develop in 100 or even 1000 years. Even if we can't witness these future developments first hand, it's exciting to think about the possibilities and the positive impact they could have on the world.

Accordingly, I am looking forward to being able to contribute to simplify or automate everyday work processes in the future. automated.