Here are some of the projects I have worked on.
My favorite tech stack (hover over the logos)
My Github
There you can find a couple of my hobby projects.
My Portfolio
My personal Portfolio Website. This Website is build with Next.js, React, Typescript and TailwindCSS.
Office Supplies Issue
This was a project for my company. It was developed to simplify inventory management processes. Users can easily access the system by logging in with their Microsoft accounts and then quickly purchase items from the stock by scanning QR codes. The project consists of two parts: the admin part for managing the stock and the user part for making purchases.
This was a hobby project for my friends company. It was developed to track the working hours of the employees. Every employee can stamp on a NFC-Card Reader with his NFC-Card. This will create a new time tracking entry. The Supervisor can then see, edit, add and export the time tracking entries.
Neue Bewegung für die Zukunft
A political Blog website for the NBZ (Neue Bewegung für die Zukunft).
And many more...
I cannot publicly share the most of my projects, as some are bound by confidentiality agreements at the discretion of the project owners.